
Colin’s Dream Park Yard Sale This Weekend!

  March 28 – March 29 Starts at 8:00am · Ends at 5:00pm Show Map 485 West New York Ave….

April Meeting – Thursday April 3rd @ 12:30

Our next meeting will be held at Jane Murray Hall, First Congregational Church located at 201 W. University Ave.  The…

5th Annual African American Heritage Festival

Located in Dickinson park at the corner of Hwy 17-92 and Graves Ave.  The VIA will have a booth on…

Meeting Thursday Feb 6th

Greetings everyone, I hope you’re ready to get to business and have some fun doing it!  Here is a link…

Christmas Village

The Christmas Village will be held on December 14th in Dickenson Park from 10 a.m. till 6 p.m.  The Christmas…

GFWC VIA Meeting & Luncheon

Please join us tomorrow at Jane Murray Hall located next to the First Congregational Church at 201 W. University Ave…

Orange City’s Vibrant History on Display

    Orange City’s Vibrant History on Display   Opening Reception November 21, 2013 4-6 pm        …

Update from Lindoa on LEADS Seminar

I just received a note from Pat Zazzarino that the LEADS seminar will be held on February 22nd instead of…

District 6 Meeting in Feb and more for Linda O’Toole

Our next District 6 meeting will be the Arts/Crafts festival.  GFWC Melbourne Woman’s Club is hostess.  It will be Thursday,…

Upcoming dates to note!

Saturday – Nov 23rd 10 – 11 AM.  Heart House Grand Opening.  114 W. Walts Ave. Deland.  Tours and refreshments. …