Our next District 6 meeting will be the Arts/Crafts festival. GFWC Melbourne Woman’s Club is hostess. It will be Thursday, February 20, 2014 at the Melbourne Elks Lodge #1744, 211 South Nieman Ave. Melbourne Florida. More details will be sent in the Call after the first of the year but wanted you to get this meeting scheduled on your calendars.
Next item: please remember to nominate someone from your club to attend the LEADS seminar to be held at our GFWC Headquarters in Lakeland on January 18th. The DEADLINE TO SUBMIT NOMINATIONS IS DECEMBER 1st. You can get the information and the form on-line at gfwcflorida.org One candidate will be selected to represent each of our 14 districts. Please choose a nominee that you feel has the desire to become a leader in our Federation!
Next: Hopefully everyone has received their club membership dues forms. If not, please let me know right away.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Gosh, there is not much left of this year. Where did it go?
In Federation love, Linda O’Toole