We will be meeting at the Jane Murray Hall, First Congregational Church, located 201 W. University Ave. The Executive Board Meeting will be held at 9am at Albertus Cottage, 200 E Rose Ave.
Here’s a note from Mimi about the upcoming program:
“Dottie Pomeroy, chair-man of the month, will introduce Frances Chapman. Born in Charleston, SC when her dad was stationed at the Charleston Naval Base, Frances came to Orange City when she was in fourth grade. She graduated from DeLand High School in 2012.
One important focus of her life has been instru-mental music. A drum major in the marching band, at Gainesville she belongs to the national honorary music soci-ety. She has brought its local chapter, Tri M, to Gainesville, introducing a mentoring program for band and chorus
students at the univer-sity and one to ESOL girls in DeLand High.
Another focus of her life is the Spanish lan-guage. A volunteer on her church’s mission trip to Nicaragua, she served as an interpreter between the staff and local residents.
A sophomore at Gainesville at UF, Fran-ces is currently working on a double major: po-litical science and Ara-bic. She plans to go to law school and hope-fully work in the DC area. She became en-chanted with our na-tion’s capitol when she served as a congrega-tional intern to Con-
gressman Debbie Wasserman-Shultz. That semester she used her writing skills to write briefs and do cor-respondence for the congressman. Since then, she has served as a Junior Fellow, partner-ing with a professor at UCF doing research on voter suppression. As a Knight Fellow Associate working in the Bob Graham Center, she is again dealing with public policy.
Members and friends won’t want to miss meeting this gifted young lady on April 3.”