The VIA 1966-1975

The 1967 and 1968 New Year’s Reception was held as had been a tradition since 1914. Since the VIA 75th anniversary celebration was to be held in March 1969, the New Year’s Reception was skipped that year. Because of competition with televised football games on New Year’s Day, it was never held again. Many regretted the demise of the New Year’s Reception.

Each year the Christmas Program was a joyful experience. It varied from year to year but always featured music and holiday foods.

It became a tradition to end the annual activities of the VIA with a picnic on the scheduled May meeting date.

The six departments within the VIA-Education, Home Life, Arts and Crafts, Public Affairs, Conservation, and International Affairs-worked diligently and carried on their various functions.

In 1965, Miss Robb presented the book, Our Story of Orange City, Florida. She had edited the book largely from notes kept by Lois Leavitt. The first edition sold rapidly and plans were made for a second printing.

In 1967, the State road department purchased 20 feet of the VIA’s park property for the widening of the Volusia Avenue (Route 17-92). The VIA was paid a total of $1,460. With this money, the club purchased kitchenware for the hall and various improvements were made to the restrooms, dining area and club room. The VIA routinely invested in the

Library auditorium, including cleaning the draperies in preparation for the celebration of the Club’s 75th anniversary.

In March 1969, guests filled the auditorium to capacity as VIA members celebrated their 75th Anniversary. Eight past presidents were in the receiving line. Under the leadership of Mrs. Mattie Bothe, the rooms were beautifully decorated. Miss Ethel Robb prepared the program, and many hands helped with the delicious refreshments.

During the following years, the VIA continued to have very capable leadership and members dedicated to fulfilling its goals for the enrichment of life in Orange City.

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