Monday – December 2nd. The Mayor, Tom Laputka, has indicated that he would like to have the presentation made to Casi for the Skate Board Park on this day. However, he has not yet specified a time. He would like to have this happen in Coleman Park with all present and have pics taken. Will advise as soon as I have more info. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, December 10th. Received a card from the ladies of the Deland GFWC inviting us to join them for their “Green Tea” that will be held this day at the club house at 128 West Michigan Ave. Event will be at 1:30PM. Kay Laws needs to know if you will be attending no later then Dec 3rd either by email ( or by phone 386-736-7676. Please contact her and let her know if you are interested in attending this event.
And just a reminder, Thursday, December 5 is our next meeting. I already have 2 guests coming.
Hope all is well with everyone and see you all soon. Take care, Priscilla