Check back later for more information about our Florida wildflower garden designed to help our native bees thrive.

Viva Florida Wildflower Grant

We are excited to announce that the Village Improvement Association Orange City Woman’s Club has been awarded a Viva Florida Wildflower Grant to establish a native wildflower demonstration garden at the historic Albertus cottage.

Read Blog Post

Albertus Cottage Planting Party Volunteers, June 29th, 2024.

Thank you

This project would not be possible without the help from the following people and organizations.

City of Orange City

A big thank you to the city’s parks and recreation department for their support and assistance with installing our signs and maintaining the grounds.


Thank you to all of those who have volunteered or donated for this project to come to fruition, including our own VIA Club Members and their spouses, as well as the students participating in the Bright Futures Scholarship.

Leah Brooks

Leah has spearheaded this project and done a wonderful job securing the grant and organizing all of the components of the project.

Rakel Fairfull

Rakel, who is also the club recording secretary, has generously donated her time and talents to create engaging educational signs that will be on display in the garden, as well as maintain the garden web page.

Mockingbird Natives

Mockingbird Natives generously donated the landscape design, as well as assistance in planting and educational activities.

Laura Zurro

Laura graciously provided her stunning bee photography for our signage and consulted with us for educational content.